Bloggers Unite, Naechstenliebe

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Bloggers Unite is an initiative designed to harness the power of the blogosphere to make the world a better place. By challenging bloggers to blog about a particular social cause on a single day, a single voice can be joined with thousands of others to help make a real positive difference; from raising awareness for cancer, to an effort to better education systems or support 3rd world countries.

Bloggers Unite challenges bloggers everywhere, on December 17th, to do something good offline — an act of kindness — and then post about it on their blogs, using words, pictures, and/or videos to tell the story.

The Acts of Kindness bloggers unite challenge aims at putting a human face on bloggers who are responsible for so much good in the world. The goal is to expose their kindness and generosity as well as serve as an example to non-bloggers that volunteering for a charity, donating to a cause, or simply doing something kind for another person has a ripple effect around the world.

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Auf Betreiben der Blogger Gemeinschaft BlogCatalog.com vereinigen sich Blogger aus der ganzen Welt am 17. Dezember um über ihre 'guten Taten' in Wort und Bild zu berichten.

Alle Blogger können mit machen. Eine gute Tat (auch Mehrzahl) soll(en) vorher offline (also in der wirklichen materiellen Welt) geschehen.

Um diese Aktion noch zu fördern werden drei Preise vergeben, für die noch Sponsoren gesucht werden. Diesen Sponsoren winkt eine 'extra exposure' im Netz, also eine gute Gelegenheit für Werbung.

Weitere Informationen über diese Aktion finden Sie laufend in diesem Blog bzw. direkt bei


SAN ANTONIO, Texas — BlogCatalog, the fastest-growing social network for bloggers on the Internet, will launch its fourth social awareness campaign on Dec. 17. This time, the “Bloggers Unite” campaign challenges its more than 80,000 members and other bloggers to do something good offline — an act of kindness — and then post about it, using words, pictures, and/or videos to tell the story.

Bloggers Unite was the first online social awareness campaign organized by a social network that challenged bloggers to post about a single social awareness issue on a single day in May. Since the first campaign, Bloggers Unite has grown from hundreds of bloggers participating to more than 10,000, and similar campaigns have been started by others.

The challenge:

Bloggers Unite in Acts of Kindness

BlogCatalog.com challenges members and bloggers everywhere to do something good offline — an act of kindness — and then post about it, using words, pictures, and/or videos to tell the story on Dec. 17.

"Thousands of acts, touching and changing lives, shared on one day."

The Acts of Kindness theme aims at putting a human face on the bloggers responsible for so much good in the world. The goal is to expose their kindness and generosity as well as serve as an example to non-bloggers that volunteering for a charity, donating to a cause, or simply doing something kind for another person has a ripple effect around the world.

“Maybe 20,000 bloggers, vloggers, photographers will make a difference.”

Will you be one? It only takes a few seconds to sign up and join us on Dec. 17.

A chance for sponsors!

BlogCatalog is looking for companies to sponsor the blogger prizes.

There will be 3 top prizes for the best Act of Kindness Blog Post.

If anyone works for a company or has contacts at a company that want's great exposure among bloggers then a donating a prize is a great way for them to do this.

Their logo will be featured on a new Bloggers Unite section of Blogcatalog as well as in any emails we send out and press releases. For a small contribution a company will get a bunch of positive exposure and be associated with something really positive.


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