Welcome to my 'PopeBlog'. Usually I write in German here, well right now I share a playlist of videos on youtube which can be enjoyed in every language. Get some impressions of the visit of Pope Benedict to Sydney, Australia to the WorldYouthDay 2008And here you go. During WorldYouthDay and thereafter I'll refresh the list so that you get to see the best videos in the shortest time without any long searching. Sooo stay in touch.
If you need a link to this playlist of videos on Benedicts visit to Sydney here it is:
or shorter, if you need it for your twitter- and plurk-friends:
If you like to take a closer look at the content of this blog I give you now a short list of some English posts here:
Sexual abuse and Catholic Church
Papal Encyclicas and Human Rights
Pope Benedict in the USA 2008, a YouTube playlist.
WebCams which give you some glimpses to Sydney, Mariazell and Vienna.
The content of this blog is also available on iPhone, PDA, Handy or any mobile Internet device:
'PopeBlog' MOBILE
About the program of the WYD I wrote a post in German.
So I hope you enjoy the videos, get inspired and share the Love of Jesus.
or shorter, if you need it for your twitter- and plurk-friends:
If you like to take a closer look at the content of this blog I give you now a short list of some English posts here:
Sexual abuse and Catholic Church
Papal Encyclicas and Human Rights
Pope Benedict in the USA 2008, a YouTube playlist.
WebCams which give you some glimpses to Sydney, Mariazell and Vienna.
The content of this blog is also available on iPhone, PDA, Handy or any mobile Internet device:
'PopeBlog' MOBILE
About the program of the WYD I wrote a post in German.
So I hope you enjoy the videos, get inspired and share the Love of Jesus.
There is a promotion video 'Dare to move'.
Arrival of Pope Benedict per sheep to Sydney ('en route to Sydney').
Diverse MotorCades during WYD08
Pope Benedict in the PopeMobile.
Sydney Harbour destination landmark events.
Youth watching the Pope in Sydney.
Messages: "Be witnesses to life". "Life is not ruled by chance". "The choice to follow Christ is exciting". "There must be a strong call against all kinds of violence and exploitation of people and things".
Catholic Youth organizations give voice .
The process of 'See, Judge and Act'.
The pilgrimage journey.
The streets of Sydney.
Eucharistic processions with the bishops.
International performances.
A taste of the original Australian culture.
The Sydney Harbour and the bridge are key elements throughout WorldYouthDay.
Public addresses and appearances of Pope Benedict.
List of videos and subjects
of the playlist (so far), just that you know a bit what you can expect.
of the playlist (so far), just that you know a bit what you can expect.
There is a promotion video 'Dare to move'.
Arrival of Pope Benedict per sheep to Sydney ('en route to Sydney').
Diverse MotorCades during WYD08
Pope Benedict in the PopeMobile.
Sydney Harbour destination landmark events.
Youth watching the Pope in Sydney.
Messages: "Be witnesses to life". "Life is not ruled by chance". "The choice to follow Christ is exciting". "There must be a strong call against all kinds of violence and exploitation of people and things".
Catholic Youth organizations give voice .
The process of 'See, Judge and Act'.
The pilgrimage journey.
The streets of Sydney.
Eucharistic processions with the bishops.
International performances.
A taste of the original Australian culture.
The Sydney Harbour and the bridge are key elements throughout WorldYouthDay.
Public addresses and appearances of Pope Benedict.
If you enjoyed this post and if it was of some help to you please stumble, digg and bookmark this post and send it to your friends. Thank you.
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